Thursday, May 3, 2012

May 3rd - On a Walk

A while ago, I snuck up on my little kitty, Miss Whiskers, and tried to take some pics of her sleeping. I woke her up, but she participated very well. Here she is just waking up. 
 Feelin' cuddly and playful.
 Fully awake and ready to pounce. I love her whiskers!
I took the kids on a walk around the neighbourhood today. And here's what we found. A yellow fire hydrant. According to the kiddies, it's "beautiful" and we really "must take a picture of it" and put it in the blog. Well, it's a bit rusty, but still an nice bright yellow colour. 
Some lovely little weeds growing by the side of the road. They do look pretty, just sitting there, surrounded by pavement. 
Ooooh, how fancy? A sewer cover!
Ben's crispy little treasure... a dried up leaf. He carried it safely, all the way home. 
Nice to see some tulips...mine were all eaten by the beastly, wild, city bunnies. 
We saw an apple tree in bloom. The kids were trying to jump up and reach the blossoms. 
Here they are close up.
And we also spotted a lovely dandy lion patch. 
Ben and Gabs were so excited to see the dandy lion puffs! They ran circles around the patch and just our luck...the wind picked up and started swirling all that fluff up in the air around them. 
Doing the swirly dandy lion dance. 
Hooray, for spring! They simply could not get enough of that fluff. 
Unfortunately, we could not bring any home. But we do have all these wonderful pictures to keep looking at. : )

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